One Voice for Animals UK Campaigns
Microchipping Campaign

Microchipping for dogs has been mandatory since 2016, which means that all dogs must be chipped by 8 weeks old across the whole of the UK.
Mandatory Microchipping for cats
In 2021, the Westminster Government issued a Press release relating to new legislation making it mandatory for all cat owners in England to microchip their cats by the time they are 20 weeks of age. Owners must ensure their contact details are stored and kept up to date on a DEFRA compliant pet microchipping database or risk a fine of up to £500.
This long overdue legislation is becoming a legal requirement 24th July 2024.
Cat ownership boomed during the pandemic with back street breeders selling kittens for huge profits. However, unlike responsible rescue organisations, many of these cats weren't neutered, leading to a #kittencrisis and scores of abandoned animals.
One Voice for Animals UK fully supports the microchipping of cats, we see this as a step towards more responsible ownership.
Tuks Law
Tuks Law was named after a 16 month old rescue who was put to sleep on 22nd December 2017 after not being scanned prior to euthanasia.
The law looks to see an end to the unnecessary and preventable euthanasia of healthy and treatable animals in the UK. They also look to promote the Rescue Back Up registration on microchips and DEFRA compliant databases and the role it plays in keeping rescue animals and pets safe and that all alternatives are explored before death.
Fight to Stop Vets Euthanising Healthy Pets Without Scanning for a Microchip Click here for more information and to keep up to date with their progress.